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Divide into 3 installments with SeQura | Up to 20% off. apply directly when adding to cart
We empty part of the warehouse, last units at low prices See collection!

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General information

ID: 53608527N Address: C/Camp del Turia 7 Valencia/Alaquas Zip: 46970
Contact: Phone: 674280673 

Slowdeco cannot assume any responsibility arising from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information appearing on Slowdeco's Internet pages. Within the limits established by law, Slowdeco does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and precision of the data or information contained in its Internet pages. Slowdeco Internet pages may contain links to other third party pages that Slowdeco cannot control. Therefore, Slowdeco cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.

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The texts, images, sounds, animations and other content included on this Website are the exclusive property of Slowdeco. Any act of total or partial transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or public communication must have the express consent of Slowdeco.

The software and technological infrastructure that supports the store is under license from Shopify, which implies that absolutely no rights or licenses are acquired regarding the services provided, the computer programs necessary to provide the service, nor about the technical information of the service. Nor is it related to the activity carried out by the owner of the store, who is obliged to comply with the regulations that affect him.

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