I confess that I am addicted to series and even more so now in times of Netflix or HBO , where you can do marathons of watching chapters and chapters of your favorite series, the perfect plan for the sofa and blanket . And also because I like decoration , I pay attention to every detail of all the settings or the distribution of the houses. Because it is clear that a good script and the actors count but the interiors are important to know the characters and create an atmosphere. Here I leave you with some images of the interiors that I like the most from some of my favorite series. We hope you like it, as much as I do. Happy Tuesday!
Monica's apartment (Friends)
It is clear that the most iconic thing about the series is the purple walls, as well as the door frame. Curiously, at first it was a mirror, but one of the team members broke it and they decided to leave it as is.
Claire and Phil's house (Modern Family)
What I like most about this house is how eclectic it is, mixing current furniture with other vintage pieces. As well as the distribution of the house, the kitchen, living room and dining room completely open and connected.

Celeste's House (Big Little Lies)
This series is characterized by the mansions that appear. I choose Celeste's house, because of its blue color combined with wood that conveys calm and warmth.

Howard and Bernadette's house (The big bang theory)
The renovation they have done to Howard's mother's house is very modern with a vintage and Nordic style.

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